Tuesday, January 21, 2025

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    Heart Scan Services: A Key to Preventative Health

    Stress and unhealthy lifestyles are the new normal in this fast-paced world. In this era, technology is advancing, whereas human health is declining. However, stress and unhealthy lifestyles are the active factors contributing to the decline of human health. Therefore, it has become even more important to prioritize human health than ever before. It is essential to take proactive steps to measure the risk of potential diseases. Among all measures, a heart scan is an essential one that helps monitor the health of the heart. A heart scan offers a critical insight into the heart to identify any cardiovascular risk. In this post, we will discuss how the heart scan acts as a preventive tool in taking care of heart health. 

    What is a Heart Scan?

    A heart scan is also known as a heart CT scan. It is basically a non-invasive procedure. It uses CT (computed tomography), an advanced imaging technology, to capture detailed 3D images of the heart from all angles. These detailed images allow doctors to assess the condition of the heart and identify any critical condition. The procedure is completely non-invasive and painless. Further, it only takes a few minutes while the patient lies on a table. The scanner moves around the patient to take detailed images. 

    A heart scan also measures the coronary calcium score, which measures the plaque buildup within the arteries. The deposition of calcium within the arteries may cause many risky diseases in the future. It also increases the risk of cardiac arrest. The higher the coronary calcium score, the higher the risk of blockage of arteries. The detailed images help the doctors to assess the risk and take effective measures in the form of treatment to help the patients. 

    What is the Procedure for a Coronary Calcium Scan? 

    A coronary calcium scan uses CT scan technology to determine the level of calcium buildup within the coronary arteries. For the scan, you do not have to take a specific diet. However, it is suggested not to smoke or take caffeine before a few hours of scan. If you are feeling extremely nervous or anxious, you should tell the doctor. He will give you medicine to calm down your nerves. You lie on a flat table, and electrodes are placed on your chest to monitor your heart rate. The scanner moves around to capture pictures. This whole process takes 10-15 minutes. You do not have to wait for hours to return to your routine. The cardiologist or radiologist analyzes the images and interprets the results. 

    Important Note: 

    Coronary calcium does not predict other types of coronary diseases. Rather, it identifies the calcium buildup within the arteries. So, it is not the best option for assessing the risk of cardiac arrest. 

    What is the Cost of a Heart Scan? 

    For most people, the primary concern is heart scan cost. The cost of a heart scan depends upon different factors, including the location, insurance coverage, and healthcare provider. It usually ranges from $100 to $400, and some scans may cost even more than $400. 

    Those people who are looking for convenient options may search for a heart scan near me to find local options. However, you must consider whether the lab uses the latest technology or not. The staff must be professional and highly trained. The use of high technology ensures the reliability and accuracy of results. You may also check ViaScan of Las Colinas for a heart scan or a coronary calcium scan. They have state-of-the-art technology to ensure the accuracy of scans. So, take action, and start taking care of your heart health. 

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