Tuesday, January 21, 2025

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    How To Keep Your Pool Water Clean All Season Long?

    Clean water in the pool is a guarantee of pleasant relaxation, swimming, and sports, as well as the durability of the equipment and finishing of the pool bowl. Professional equipment and chemicals will help to maintain high water quality. In this article, we will tell you what, how much, and how often to use so that the water in the pool remains crystal clear, like on overseas islands untouched by civilization.

    Water pollution can be divided into mechanical and biological. Mechanical pollution includes that which does not dissolve: dry leaves, insects, sand (earth), etc. Biological pollution changes the chemical composition of water; these are algae, fungi, and various bacteria. The presence of mechanical pollution in water provokes and accelerates the development of biological pollution. That is why both mechanical and chemical water purification should be carried out regularly, and saving on it is not worth it.

    From mechanical impurities

    Protective coating

    It will help prevent various types of debris from getting into the water when the pool is not in use. Some covers also help save on water consumption and heating. For example, the Platinum Bubble solar cover :

    • the top layer allows the sun’s rays to pass through, which heats the water;
    • The bottom layer works like a thermos, preventing heat from escaping from the water.

    This way, you can save up to 40% on electricity and chemical consumption.


    A net on a long rod is necessary for catching mechanical impurities from the surface of the water. And a long handle will help you reach the center of the pool without problems.

    Water vacuum cleaner

    A water bottom vacuum cleaner will cope with dirt on the bottom of the pool bowl without the need to drain the water and clean the pool manually.

    From biological contamination

    pH regulators

    First, let’s note the importance of using pH regulators. Many owners neglect this point and in vain! Perhaps we will surprise some now, but most chemical water purification products are most effective when the pH of the water is in the range of 7.2 to 7.6. If the pH is higher or lower than this norm, then any chemicals will have to be used more often and in larger quantities – and this is expensive.


    A common problem with outdoor pools is green water. This is caused by algae in the water. To combat them, an algaecide is used – a non-foaming agent that does not change the pH of the water. It is used regularly as a preventive agent and as a shock treatment. As a preventive measure, the algaecide is used once a week. It is added when there are no swimmers in the pool. After 10-20 minutes, the pool is ready to receive vacationers again.

    Algaecide manufacturers indicate the required dosage and conditions that require greater use of the product in the instructions for the product. Such conditions include:

    • a large number of bathers;
    • heavy rains;
    • high air temperature;
    • increased tendency of water to leave limescale deposits on the walls of the pool.

    Hydrogen peroxide

    This product is considered an alternative to chlorine treatment when it comes to removing organic contaminants from water. Peroxide disinfects water and, like algaecides, helps combat algae formation in water. However, you should not use hydrogen peroxide as the unique means for water purification. As an independent chemical, it is not effective enough to provide a decent result. After treating water with hydrogen peroxide, you must wait at least 12 hours before swimming in the pool again.

    Chlorine disinfectants

    Classic in water purification. Despite the fact that many are afraid to overdo it with chlorine and talk about the harmfulness of its fumes, now the market of water purification of swimming pools offers modern safe preparations. In addition, in an outdoor pool, chlorine evaporates even faster than in an indoor pool, and the harm from fumes is reduced to zero.

    There are different preparations for shock treatment of water and as a preventive measure. Slow chlorine in tablets from Chemoform, which should be used once every 8-10 days, will protect water from algae formation with regular use. And granulated chlorine T-65 will help to carry out primary (shock) treatment of water at the beginning of the season.


    These preparations help to make muddy water crystal clear. They are also catalysts for disinfectants – increasing their effectiveness. Before using the coagulant, we recommend bringing the pH level of the water in the pool to normal, otherwise, the preparation will not be effective enough at the dosage recommended by the manufacturer.

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    Our catalog includes liquid coagulants and pressed-in cartridges.

    To treat a private pool, the coagulant is diluted with water in a separate container. The proportion is from 1 to 5 to 1 to 10, depending on the turbidity of the water. Then the solution is poured around the entire perimeter of the pool. You can use a watering can for convenience. After 12 hours, the contaminants in the flakes settle to the bottom of the pool. There they can be collected with a bottom vacuum cleaner and the remains – with a sand filter.

    Sand filter

    It should work around the clock! The mistake of many owners is that they are looking for where to save money and turn on the sand filter only from time to time. To maintain the cleanliness of the water in the pool, it should be turned on constantly – 24/7 during the pool operating season. During the de-preservation of the pool, it is necessary to check the sand level in the filter. Sand is replaced as needed: once every 1-2 years in private pools.

    If all this information makes your head spin, don’t worry – we are always ready to help you and advise you on the most effective means and equipment specifically for your pool. For advice, you can contact us via online chat or by phone at +1 602-791-3230


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