Tuesday, January 21, 2025

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    Revive your Mobile | Fast and Reliable iPhone Fix in Dubai

    Replacing the battery of an iPhone is one of the most frequent repairs carried out by our iPhone Technical Service. When using the phone daily, it is normal for our battery to wear out or lose power and efficiency over time.

    The consequences of having an iPhone with a battery in poor condition can be the following:

    The device may not turn back on.

    The battery would no longer receive current when charging.

    You will notice on the charging icon that the battery lasts much less than before.

    Your equipment may experience sudden shutdowns without warning.

    How much does it cost to change an iPhone battery?

    The price of an iPhone battery replacement depends on the model of the device. For this reason, on our website, we offer all iPhone fix Dubai services for those interested in replacing or repairing an iPhone battery. Whatever the version and wherever they live, a personalized and detailed quote is needed to determine the exact cost of this repair.

    Please note that we are a technical service specializing in all Apple devices, a leading firm in the technology sector. The prestige and recognition we have achieved as technical support for changing iPhone batteries are due to personalized and close attention, committed work, quality parts and exceptional results.

    How long does it take to replace an iPhone battery?

    The return times for an iPhone with a replaced battery are usually less than an hour, although they can be extended if the device needs further repairs.

    At A to Z mobile phone repair, we will do everything we can to return your repaired device to you without leaving our workshop in minutes. Proof of our commitment is that we attend to all cases without an appointment since we understand that the mobile phone, in these times, is a fundamental part of many people’s lives.

    iPhone battery problems

    There are many reasons why your mobile phone suffers battery damage and requires you to go to the Specialized Technical Service. Some of the most frequent problems are:

    Moisture: Liquid entering the device is a common reason the battery fails. Being a product that works on electricity, water, or any liquid could be better for its functioning. Liquid clogs the current outputs of the battery, which will cause it to stop working.

    Drop: A knock on the battery can damage its cells, affecting its operation irreparably. In these cases, the battery can bulge, deforming the integrity of the device, indicating that the iPhone battery and perhaps other internal components that have been damaged need to be replaced.

    Overcharging: As with the case of a fall, an overload can cause a bulge in the battery due to poor current distribution. If a bulge does not occur, the battery automatically falls into the second possibility, sudden death due to damage to its connections.

    Factory defect: Although rare, some battery damage is caused directly by a factory error. After purchasing the device, these defects are noticed in the short to medium term. If your iPhone is new but is already experiencing battery problems, this may be the reason for the malfunction.

    Many different problems can arise with the iPhone battery. Still, they all have one thing in common: a limitation in the terminal’s performance (in some cases, even making it impossible to use it). The solution? Changing the iPhone battery.

    Is your iPhone battery draining fast?

    Another consequence you may experience due to a poor battery condition on your phone is that the battery level drops dramatically in a much shorter period than when you first got it.

    To correct this, it is necessary to study the battery’s condition and, from there, decide whether to replace it or return the mobile to the performance it can offer.

    Come to our iPhone repair centers

    The quickest way to change your iPhone battery is to come and see how we work at our facilities.

    Change iPhone battery in Dubai.

    You can come to our workshops located in Dubai. We have a workshop in Dubai to meet the needs of those who need an iPhone battery replacement Dubai. In addition, we have accessories available for sale, such as original charging cables.

    Why do we offer two service alternatives and rates for iPhone X battery replacement?

    As Apple Technical Maintenance specialists, we offer two solutions so you can choose the most suitable one for you:

    • Apple’s original battery replacement (IRP Service – “SSR”) has a waiting time of approximately 3 to 5 days. We ensure a completely authentic battery, certified by Apple.
    • Original Cell Exchange with Chip Replacement Service. We offer a specialized battery cell replacement service without affecting your BGA. This process is usually completed within 3 to 5 hours. You will get equivalent battery life and the same level of performance.
    • With A to Z mobile phone repair, you will get the best service so that both you and your friends have a reliable technical service to repair iPhone devices.

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