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    Why Should You Not Host Your Email On Web Server?

    Websites and emails are both equally crucial for businesses to thrive in this competitive era. Hosting is another basic requirement to ensure online availability and smooth functioning of the site and email. Authorities usually prefer to host websites and email accounts on the same server to save up costs.

    Such strategies end up causing more loss than profit. Web servers are designed to store website files and support their functioning. Their priority is smooth website functioning and not email accounts, which leads to a lot of concerns. Web servers are not a suitable option for email hosting and you should refrain from that.

    Get into the details of this article to learn and explore why you should not host your email on a web server and take appropriate measures to ensure smooth performance and functioning.

    Top 5 Reasons to Not Host Emails On Web Server

    Email hosting is a necessary requirement for business organizations to ensure a more professional outlook. It significantly establishes the identity and brand image of the setup. However, all of this is only possible with a reliable email hosting plan. Hosting email on a web server might add to losses instead of offering benefits so watch out your pick.

    Here are some of the most notable reasons to not host your emails on a web server host and opt for more professional options.

    1. Limited Features

    Limited features are the foremost reason to not host emails on the web servers. Such servers are specifically designed to address the needs and requirements of websites and not email accounts. Business email accounts have specific requirements which include specific storage, bandwidth, mass email sending, etc.

    The web servers might provide a limited share of bandwidth and storage, however, it will direct back to the websites as soon as traffic spikes over there. On the contrary, email servers not only offer dedicated servers to address specific needs but also provide added features for smooth email functioning. Authorities often consult email hosting Dubai based services and opt for the recommended plans to enjoy the best features.

    2. Poor Security

    Poor security is the next notable reason to not host business email on a web server. Business email accounts hold confidential data about the setup. These are the major modes of communication between clients and partners. Poor hosting security can compromise the safety of the account and provide an opportunity for hackers to take control and misuse it.

    A web server does not offer end-to-end data encryption and two-factor authentication features which are necessary for email security. Choosing an email server can offer multiple security features for your account and ensure smooth and secure business communication.

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    3. Limited Scalability

    Limited scalability is the next reason to not host business email on a web server. Such servers are specifically designed for websites and might overlook the needs and requirements of email accounts. It is specifically applicable in terms of scalability. As soon as your setup grows, you might be able to scale resources for your websites but not for the email account.

    Even if you get additional sources, they will be consumed by the advanced needs of the websites and your email might again face issues. On the other hand, email hosting offers dedicated resources for email accounts, which can be easily scaled for specific needs.

    4. Complicated Migration

    Complicated migration is one of the most notable reasons to not host a business email account on a web server. You might need to migrate your websites from one server to the other for certain reasons. If your email is also hosted on the same account, you will not be able to leave it there but will have to migrate it too even if it functions perfectly.

    Migrating email from one web server to another is more complicated and time-consuming. On the other hand, hosting email on a separate email hosting account will not require you to migrate it frequently. Even if you need to do it once or twice, it will not be so tricky and complicated. So, make your choice wisely.

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    5. Email Downtime

    Email downtime is the last reason to not host email on web servers. Website servers can go down for a lot of reasons. The server can crash and shut down due to extensive load and web traffic. Moreover, potential cyber-attacks can also make the server experience downtime.

    If your email operates on the same server, it will also go down and shut down all means of communication with clients and users. On the contrary, hosting email on a separate email account will limit the chances of downtime and boost overall functionality. You can consult email hosting Dubai services and opt for a suitable plan that promises high uptime for your email.

    Look for a Suitable Email Hosting Plan!

    Choosing an email hosting plan requires professional insights along with an understanding of your needs. You must connect with professional hosting services and opt for an email hosting plan instead of a web server to ensure smooth functioning and performance.

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